
Friday, August 27, 2010

You Are What You Eat, You Are What You Do

For some of you who know me personally, you might have heard me saying that "You are what you eat". It's true to a certain way but there are things that have to be stated to qualify the statement above. This does not mean that if we eat pork, we will become a pig XD

Yes, what we eat will determine how our body shape will be. If you eat more than what your body can use up, then you'll become fat. Very simple concept.

But there are times when you see someone who eats a lot every meal like they've never eaten their entire life but still remain stick-thin. These people are the people who are blessed with very high base metabolic rate which keeps their body lean even though they eat a lot.

The qualifier of the statement "You are what you eat" is "You are what you do". Often times, you see people with different kinds of shape. Some people have larger upper body while others have larger lower bodies. What you do will also determine how your body will appear.

Just take the example of a runner. Generally, a long-distance runner. A non-professional long-distance runner would typically have small upper bodies and larger lower bodies (thighs, calves and surprisingly butt as well). Usually marathon runners would not be too thin (except the professionals) because their bodies need to store fat to supply energy.

Based on the same concept, boxers don't have profound pectoralis major (chest muscle) because they don't need it to throw punches. All they need is the right technique and strong legs, hips and shoulders to throw a powerful punch

Hence, what we eat is not the only factor that will determine how we look like, what we do would also affect how we look like.

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