
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I've been rather busy lately to the extent that at one point, I forgot what day of the week it was and the things that I had to do on certain days of the week.

And all this is because of working almost non-stop for a week or so. Even weekends are not entirely spared from work. I suppose this only happens when you're so into your work that you forgot entirely about the time.

I can't complain that I work until very late in office. I typically leave for home around 6.30pm to 8.00pm (this is very good considering the scope of work that I'm involved in). I have friends who are in traditional audit working until 11.00pm at night or later.

I have to admit that their scope of work is very much different than mine. They are required to work with a lot more hardcopy of documents and evidences compared to people from my field. That probably explains why it's not logical to bring home their work.

Although I go home before 8.00pm most of the time, I usually end up working from home after I freshen up until around 12.00am or so. I no longer have the time to do other things that I enjoy, e.g. exercise and so on. At least I'm learning a lot from what I'm currently doing. That's probably the biggest satisfaction that I'm getting from doing my work the best to my ability, with a price

Another 2 months or so and I can take a short break before preparing my internship report. It might be very difficult for me at the moment. I have not done any work yet thanks to my laziness. Will have lots of work to catch up with soon. I guess I'm squeezed right now

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