
Monday, April 12, 2010

Are We Too Superficial?

Sometimes, when I meet some people who just become your friends because you have something/you can do something, it just turns me off immediately. It used to be that this doesn't happen to me at all when I was in secondary school. Maybe I'm just too sheltered from all these things and am too naive to understand all these things.

But as I entered university, I felt that the proportion of friends like these have increased quite a lot. These people only stick around you long enough for you to benefit them. Once the benefit vaporizes, so does the friendship. I wonder what is wrong with our society nowadays

These are the categories of friends that I often see:

1. The worst of friends are people who only come to you when you are the only person who can help them. Once you've helped them, you'll become complete strangers to one another in no time! I believe that I've met a few of such people in university so far. I'm just to tempted to say no when they come asking for help

2. There are others who come to you when they need help and treat you rudely when you have nothing that they want. The only thing that they want from you: the advantage that you wield or the help that you can offer. Once the helped has been given, hi-bye is the most that we can expect most from them. These are the people whom I purposely get out of my way just to help them only to get the cold shoulder when the help has been given. I've always thought that they're my friends only to be disappointed. Once you've helped them, they conveniently become hi-bye friends. Even a conversation is difficult to strike when you don't have anything that they want from you. But they instantly become your 'real' friends again when you have something that they want. They usually won't get out of their way to help you, they only expect you to help them!

3. Another type of friends are people who are very obviously hi-bye friends. They only say hi and bye when you meet. I don't really mind if they're people whom I understand are hi-bye friends. I just help them out of courtesy whenever I can. So when the help is asked, I'll just help if I can. If not, I'll just shake it off quickly and do whatever I want.

4. There's the final type of friends that I usually call real friends. They're people who offer help when it is needed most or people who reminds us of who we are. Although they may not be by our sides all the time, they still care about us regardless of the distance. These friends are harder to find these days

What kind of friend am I?

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