I've been trying very hard in the past to chisel my abs into a 6-pack. I've done so many crunches (for those who don't know what the crunch exercise is, refer illustration below) that I can't even remember the kind of training regimes that I've been through. At some point in the past few years, I've consistently done 50 crunches at one go almost every single day. The result: only a 4-pack instead of my desired 6-pack. It was really disappointing that I couldn't acquire the 6-pack that I want (I didn't say that a 4-pack isn't good, it just isn't good enough). Then, only today did I seriously attempt to do crunches from the flat-on-the-floor posture to the elbow-touching-knee posture (hope you can imagine what I'm trying to say). The result? I only managed to complete 25 crunches continuously and I had to take intermittent rest in between to complete the 50 crunches I set out to do. My abs really hurt so bad that it almost cramped. We'll have to see what happens to my abs after a few weeks of doing this exercise :P
As I was thinking it through, I felt that there's really no reason to cheat anymore (be it exams or in other aspects of life). Just use the example of cheating in exam. Even if you get better grades in your exam by cheating, there's really nothing that you've gained. You don't learn anything by cheating in this instance. There's so much to lose i.e. getting caught cheating and so little to gain i.e. you get better grades but learn nothing but to improve your cheating technique. Therefore, in the spirit of prudent risk management XD, it'll be better to not cheat
As for bluffs, I think most people do tell lies. It's either the urge to be more dramatic or to save yourself. In courtship, guys typically tell girls stories with the element of hyperbole to make stories sound cheesy and entertaining (while claiming the story may be true - sometimes done consciously or unconsciously). Girls may also lie to guys during courtship (I'm not sure how it's done, should get girls' perspective for this). From my personal experience, honesty is not the secret to success, bluffing is. The catch is: DON'T EVER GET CAUGHT LYING.
As for me, I'll still try to stay honest in every single element of my life :D
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