I'm currently in my study week at the moment. Exam weeks are coming and there isn't enough time to study anymore. But I'm here blogging for a reason. That reason is to talk about Facebook and MSN
Recently, I was just pondering about how I've been spending my time (I have 24 hours like everyone else but I don't seem to have enough). So after some deep thoughts, I found out that I've actually been spending WAY too much time on Facebook and MSN. Just to quantify it to you, I actually spend an astounding 3-5 hours on Facebook and MSN combined!! The only one thing that came to mind is: if I had used the 3-5 hours on Facebook and MSN more wisely, I could've done so much more with my life instead of complaining with not enough time.
For those of you who know and do keep track of the amount of time you spend on Facebook and MSN, do let me know. I've seen an acquaintance who is so addicted to playing Restaurant City on Facebook that they spend at least 3-5 hours on that single application (not counting the other applications and MSN/YM chats). I can't blame him since Facebook is one of the latest BIG thing on the Internet.
Well, with this realization, I'm currently trying my level best to reduce my time on Facebook and MSN while trying to utilize my time better by doing something else like reading, playing sports etc. Let's hope everything turns for the better. All the best to my fellow coursemates for finals too!
I stop facebook completely...
Actually, the best way to stop Facebook is stop using all the applications...
About chating... what is the point to chat?
Unless there are someone you miss...
Friends, Family...e.t.c.
You have so many friends that you miss so much eh?
LOL.. good point. the apps are really the killers. can't stop once you start
chatting is usually with a few closer friends that seldom talk or meet in RL :D
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